  • Alcaligenes eutrophus의 대사 과정을 이용한 PHP의 생산 및 분리 정제(영문)
    PHB`s Separation & Purification Target of this study conducted to obtain a purely material PHB purification process debris in the damaged cells, and to remove the remaining medium components. PHB has been removed during the refining process with just remove the present efficiency of the overall purification stayed in the 70-80%. PHB Synthesis Pathway Alcaligenes eutrophus PHB in normal circ
    2011-03-14 | 2,800원 | 31p | 분리 PHP 대사 생산 영문   Alcaligenes eutrophus의 대사 과정을 이용한 PHP의 생산 및 분리 정제(영문)
  • [회계원리] 외식업계 경영 수익 분석-도미노피자, 맥도널드, 버거킹, 치뽈레, CKE(영문)
    ratios close to the industry average of 20.7 Trend of decreasing as year passes Chipotle Mexican Grill’s (CMG) A/R turnover ratio continually increasing:10~20times higher than industry average. CMG’s current asset’s 42% and total asset’s 25% = cash  very high level of cash compare to others Example) Domino’s Pizza has the closest A/R turnover ratio to the industry
    2010-12-21 | 2,800원 | 40p | 도미노피자 외식업계 회계원리 맥도널드 버거킹   [회계원리] 외식업계 경영 수익 분석-도미노피자, 맥도널드, 버거킹, 치뽈레, CKE(영문)
  • [생물공정공학] 바이오매스의 효율적이용과 바이오메탄의 정제공법(영문)
    about 10-15 percent higher methane (CH4) content than normal landfill gas. Amount of organic waste is approximately 8,300tons/year by 2008 and 2007, among which only about 7% (6.1million tons/year) are used to source of energy (biogas).
    Bio-gas produced by using organic waste were used mostly as a heating fuel of the digestion tanks or power plant fuel.
    2011-09-06 | 1,400원 | 14p | 바이오 바이오메탄 정제공법 생물공정공학 바이오매스   [생물공정공학] 바이오매스의 효율적이용과 바이오메탄의 정제공법(영문)
  • [국제경영] 이마트 중국시장진출 성공요인 분석(영문)
    and sales management, higher ratios of product rotation and less cost of sales management and operating cost → Higher competitiveness C. Promotion strategy: Continuous leaflet advertisement, raising recognition, advertisement in the same sized format.  Original color of E-Mart, Yellow + Red =>unification effect  Execution of events: Chinese characteristics enjoying even
    2010-10-01 | 2,100원 | 19p | 신세계 성공 중국 진출 국제경영 성공요인   [국제경영] 이마트 중국시장진출 성공요인 분석(영문)
  • [중국경제학] 중국의 부동산 버블(거품) 시장 현황과 전망(영문)
    and small houses to satisfy the demand of ordinary buyers. These policies were aimed to stabilize the housing price and not to reduce it. Despite the measures, because of China’s fast growing economy and the high deposit level in banks, housing prices continued to surge. In 2007, tighter financing policies were implemented. The central bank raised lending rates by six times during the year,
    2011-12-05 | 1,700원 | 17p | 중국경제학 부동산 중국 경제학 버블   [중국경제학] 중국의 부동산 버블(거품) 시장 현황과 전망(영문)
  • Chapter 11. Organizational Control and Change
    Organizational Control “Process by which managers monitor and regulate how efficiently and effectively an organization and its members are performing the activities necessary to achieve organizational goals. Importance of Organizational Control Increase Efficiency Effectiveness Performance Level Innovation and Risk Taking Discussion 1 What is the relationship between
    2015-06-01 | 2,200원 | 43p | Organizational Control and Change Organizing and Controlling Organizational Change   Chapter 11. Organizational Control and Change
  • 러시아의 의료문화(영문)
    and has achieved a performance. Medical tourism revenue of 54.7 billion won in total medical expenses to an average of 6.56 million won inpatient and outpatient medical expenses to average hospitalization of 540,000 won. Average total medical expenses of the foreign average 940,000 won one of the medical bills and expenses, of the total foreign patients hospitalized ratio is relatively low at 6.5
    2014-11-27 | 1,700원 | 13p | 의료 고객 러시아 복지부 미용 방한   러시아의 의료문화(영문)
  • 한국, 중국, 일본의 식품 소비 비교(영문)
    1. Introduction (1) Introduction to the topic On 14-15 April 2012, the 1st Trilateral Agricultural Ministers’ Meeting was hold in Jeju Island, Korea. Three countries discussed a lot of issues such as food security, infectious diseases of animals and plants, and economical cooperation for each other etc. <15일 제주 롯데호텔에서 열린 제1차 한·중·일 농업장관회의에
    2013-11-18 | 1,700원 | 15p | 소비 비교 영문 일본 중국 한국   한국, 중국, 일본의 식품 소비 비교(영문)
  • [인적자원관리] KAMCO 한국자산관리공사
    ration (KAMCO). The authors tried to examine weak spots of KAMCO’S human resource strategies and provide recommendations. Three areas of improvement were found: Tall hierarchal structure, recruiting imbalance, and dissonance in the new performance measurement. Tall hierarchical structures hinder an effective communication between managerial levels and slow down work processes at KAMCO. A flatte
    2012-06-16 | 1,700원 | 15p | 인적자원관리 관리 KAMCO 한국자산관리공사 공사   [인적자원관리] KAMCO 한국자산관리공사
  • [생리심리] Neurobiology of Depression(영문)
    rations of serum BDNF, the source of which remains controversial. Similar changes were observed in the hippocampus of depression patients, and the role of level of BDNF-mediated signaling is still being discussed. More causal evidence for the antidepressant action of BDNF has come from experiments in rodents in which antidepressant effects were observed on direct infusion of BDNF into the hippo
    2011-11-02 | 1,400원 | 13p | 생리심리 Depression Neurobiology 생리   [생리심리] Neurobiology of Depression(영문)
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